Basic Linux Commands

Have you ever been interested in the world of hacking? Whether you're a curious beginner or a pro, understanding Linux commands can be a game-changer in your hacker journey. In this blog post, we’ll dive into some essential Linux commands that can empower you to navigate through systems, gather information, and execute tasks like a true hacker.

If you want to know how to boot a Linux machine click here.

1. ls: The Gateway to Exploration

Let's kick things off with a command as fundamental as it gets: ls. Short for "list," this command allows you to view the contents of a directory. Want to know what files and folders are hiding in a directory? Just type ls, and voila! You'll have a neat list right in front of you.

$ ls /home/user/Documents

2. pwd: Finding Your Way Around

Ever found yourself lost in the directories? Fear not, for pwd comes to the rescue! Short for "print working directory," this command displays the current directory you're in. It's like your digital compass guiding you through the file system.

$ pwd

3. cd: Navigating the Matrix

Now that you know where you are, let's talk about moving around. cd, or "change directory," allows you to navigate through directories. Just type cd followed by the directory you want to explore, and you'll find yourself teleporting to that location.

$ cd /var/log

4. grep: Unveiling Secrets with Patterns

When you need to search through a lot of data to find that one piece of information, grep is your best friend. This command searches for patterns in files and outputs lines that match those patterns. It’s like having a super-powered search function at your fingertips.

$ grep "error" syslog

5. wget: Grabbing Goodies from the Web

Hacking often involves gathering information from the vast area of the internet. With wget, you can easily download files from web servers directly to your system. Whether it’s a juicy piece of data or a tool you need for your hack, wget has got you covered.

$ wget http://example.com/file.zip

6. ps: Peek Into Process Paradise

Curious about what’s running under the hood? ps reveals the processes currently running on your system, giving you valuable insights into resource usage and potential points of entry for exploitation.

$ ps aux

7. kill: Terminate with Extreme Prejudice

Sometimes, you need to put an end to unruly processes. Enter kill, the command that lets you terminate processes with extreme prejudice. Just specify the process ID, and watch it vanish into the digital ether.

$ kill 1234

8. ifconfig: Unveil Network Interfaces

Before you can hack the network, you need to understand it. ifconfig provides vital information about network interfaces, including IP addresses, MAC addresses, and configuration details.

$ ifconfig

9. chmod: Mastering File Permissions

In the world of hacking, permissions are everything. With chmod, you can manipulate file permissions with precision, granting or revoking access as needed to escalate privileges.

$ chmod 777 file.txt

10. ssh: Securely Connect to Remote Systems

Remote exploitation requires a secure channel for communication. Enter ssh, the command that allows you to securely connect to remote systems, bypassing firewalls and gaining access to your target.

$ ssh user@target.com

11. scp: Securely Transfer Files

This command allows you to securely transfer files between systems, ensuring your ill-gotten gains reach their destination without interception.

$ scp file.txt user@target.com:/home/user

12. curl: Embrace the Power of Web Requests

With curl, you can send HTTP requests to web servers, fetching data, interacting with APIs, and even launching attacks against unsuspecting targets.

$ curl http://example.com/api/data

13. history: Time Travel Through Commands

Ever wish you could turn back time and undo your mistakes? While we can’t rewrite history, we can certainly revisit it with history. This command displays a list of previously executed commands, allowing you to learn from your past exploits.

$ history

14. touch: Create Empty Files

Need to create a new file? touch allows you to do just that. Simply specify the name of the file you want to create, and Linux will create an empty file for you.

$ touch new_file.txt

15. man: Access Manual Pages

Stuck on a command and need help? man provides access to the manual pages for Linux commands, offering detailed explanations, options, and usage examples.

$ man ls


And there you have it, folks! With these 15 fundamental Linux commands under your belt, you’re well on your way to becoming a proficient Linux user. To know more commands download this Linux command sheet here. Happy Hacking!